Minggu, 24 Mei 2009

History Of Merpati Putih

Merpati Putih (MP) is one of the university Pencak silat avenge themselves on Empty (Betako PPS) and is one of the nation's cultural assets, ranging form the flow of this type of martial at around 1550-and an dilestarikan and need to be developed in harmony with the development and progress of science knowledge and technology today. Currently, MP is a member of the Association Pencak Silat Indonesia (IPSI) and Martial Arts Federation for World Peace (MAFWP) and Persekutuan Pencak Silat Antar Bangsa or PERSILAT (International Pencak Silat Federation).

Name Meaning and Motto

Merpati Putih of itself is an abbreviation in the Java language, namely:

Mersudi Patitising Follow Pusakane Titising hening in the Indonesian language means "to get the Search for the Truth Tranquility" that it expected a Member Merpati Putih akan harmonize the heart and mind in all actions. In addition, PPS Merpati Putih Betako have a motto: "Sumbangsihku not valuable, but Keikhlasanku real."

[edit] History

White pigeon (MP) is a cultural heritage monument fathers of Indonesia in the first place is a palace of knowledge inherited from the family from generation to decrease, and ultimately, on the magic of the science teachers Merpati Putih permitted and disseminated with the intent to ditumbuhkembangkan so useful to the country.

Originally owned by the flow of this Sampeyan Dalem Inkang Sinuhun Kanjeng Susuhunan Prince Prabu Mangkurat Ingkang Jumeneng Ing Kartosuro then to DSL Adiwidjojo (Grat I). Then after three to Grat, R. Ay. Djojoredjoso knowledge derived spesialisasinya parsed according to its own, this martial art has two other brothers. the title Gagak Samudro and Gagak Seto. Crow Samudro inherited from medicine, science and literature Gagak Seto. And for the martial arts down to Gagak Handoko (Grat IV). Handoko's Gagak this is the end to hereditary Filter ago Mas Mas Mas Budi Poeng and become Betako PPS Merpati Putih. Up to now, the two other brothers seperguruan never known the existence of knowledge and sought to remain at this time ditiap ground water in the area to incorporate them back.

Initially, Pencak Silat martial knowledge is only taught to special forces Komando Special ditiap ABRI and the police union and the forces under guard Presidency (Paspampres).

Established on 2 April 1963 in Yogyakarta, has more than 35 branches with kolat (group exercise) is 415 units (according to 1993 data) which are spread throughout the archipelago and has a member of one million graduates who are still active and about 100 thousands of people and spread across the country.

The Teachers' Merpati Putih is Mr. Hadi Poernomo Filter, while the founder of College and Teachers of science is at once heir Purwoto Hadi Purnomo (Mas Poeng) and Hadi Purnomo Budi Santoso (Mas Budi) as Teacher of the last generation to eleven (Grat XI).

PPS Merpati Putih Betako derived from martial arts palace. Including the Prince Diponegoro.

Genealogy derivative following the flow of PPS Merpati Putih Betako:

Mandate of the Teacher, a Member must be white Merpati mengemban mandate of the teachers are:

* Having a sense honest and welas Asih
* Believe in yourself
* Congeniality and harmony in day-to-day appearance
* Menghayati practice and attitudes that cause Ketaqwaan to God.


In 1995, a member Betako PPS Merpati Putih Jakarta branch, Eddie Mas Market gets charter award record of the Indonesian Record Museum (MURI) as mendemonstasikan steer the car farthest from Bogor to Jakarta with eyes closed.

Until 1998, PPS Merpati Putih Betako still only for Indonesian Citizen only. But as interest from abroad and there are so many enthusiastic, self-MP opened to receive members from abroad. Nate is Zeleznick and Mike Zeleznick as white people who first taught Pencak silat this in 1999 and became Guru Merpati Putih first in the United States. At the beginning of the month of October 2000 and Pung Mas Mas Budi inaugurate American School of Merpati Putih is first located in the City Mall, Ogden, Utah. MP is the only Pencak Silat is a scientific investigation about the energy problem in the.

[edit] martial Empty Hand (Betako)

Merpati Putih training to the martial aspects of weapons without / empty. Parts of the human body can be used as a weapon that is not less ampuhnya with weapons indeed. But even so the members Merpati Putih in extra-curricular (non-training curriculum) introduced weapons, the nature and characteristics of weapons, how to face and so forth.

[edit] Objectives

PPS Merpati Putih Betako is one of the science of martial heritage of the ancestors native Indonesia, and aims to forge the personality so that members and even berkepribadian strong, harmonious, dynamic and patriotis, according to Indonesia's philosophy, the Pancasila.

[edit] Jurus of Labor and In

Merpati Putih energy use in the original man, the breath with the game. In the ordinary people, the original energy can be seen and used only when the person concerned in recessive condition only. For example: when the dog jumps the fence mengejarnya in a dead-end road. In the situation back to normal / not recessive, serasa person does not believe has a high jump over the fence. But in the Pencak Silat is, how to use the extra energy native people at the time of normal, whenever and wherever.

In normal cells in the human body produces a substance called Adenosine Triphospate (ATP) which is a back-up energy in the body. So with the help it breath technique, the human energy that can be hidden in latih to be collected and in the body. There are many Jurus (technical manner) in the respiratory Pencak Silat is among respiratory and respiratory Processing Development. There are also several techniques Jurus of them is bound Movement (RGT) and The Free Movement (RGB) In addition there are also some steps and movement techniques, such as Steps and Practical Practical movement.

Apart from self-Up (energy body), the vibration energy in Pencak Silat Merpati Putih is also taken from nature such as from Earth (the energy land of trees that are also very old), or even energy from Space (energy star, the sun or months.

Several years later, in the science of Merpati Putih containing energy and vibration has been further investigation of science and developed for the treatment and also for the benefit of blind people, so they can read, recognize and distinguish colors, and can facilitate all other activities a day -to-day.

[edit] Levels and Exercise

There are twelve levels in the PPS Merpati Putih Betako this. Levels in PPS Merpati Putih Betako starting with:

* Dasar 1, the first level of the candidates are members, although uniformed clothes or have a white shirt, black trousers, red shirt with a collar label name in the chest belt, but still plain white.
* Dasar 2 , the second level and so have been wearing uniforms without members themselves with the symbol name and symbol IPSI Merpati Putih in the chest and red bersabuk plain.
* Balik 1, red belt (without dashes) with the symbol of Merpati Putih in one of the edges.
*Balik 2 form, a belt with a red symbol and Merpati Putih berstrip red in one of the edges.
* Kombinasi 1, a red belt with a badge and Merpati Putih berstrip orange in one of the edges.
* Kombinasi 2, a belt with a red symbol Merpati Putih berstrip and yellow in one of the edges.
*Khusus 1 (Special Hand), a belt with a red symbol and Merpati Putih berstrip green in one of the edges.
* Khusus 2 (Special attractions), a belt with a red symbol Merpati Putih berstrip and blue in one of the edges.
*Khusus 3 (Special Agency), a belt with a red symbol and Merpati Putih berstrip indigo in one of the edges.
* Kesegaran, a belt with a red symbol Merpati Putih berstrip and purple in one of the edges.
* Inti 1, a belt with a red symbol Merpati Putih berstrip and white in one of the edges.
* Inti 2 core, a belt with a red symbol and Merpati Putih berstrip red and white at one end.

The members practice at least twice a week in a group practice or common called Kolat. Each time the exercise takes about approximately two hours. At each year, that is precisely every New Year 1 Muharram Suro or 1, all members from Sabang to Merauke, and allowed to gather together other members in Yogyakarta, precisely at the beach Parang Kusumo to exercise together from all levels. Napak Tilas also held in the area of Bukit Manoreh. This event is already a tradition in college Pencak silat is useful to know and be able to exchange ideas among the members with one other member.

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